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Personal History

Hello im a 31yr old husband and father of 3,i'm a platinum certified collisionrepair specialist.I know 31 is older to start racing,but it just happened,and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon,every spare dollar i have goes into racing.I want to be the best,and usually am at everything i do,my mom says do it right or don't do it at all,and i try to teach that attribute to my kids as well.July of last year a xc racer came to work where i do,and started talking about woods racing,about how he had been doing it for a few years,and he said that i would love it,well i had never even rode a racing or sport quad in my life,but i love racing so i traded a vw railbuggy for a 2000 400ex a week before the first msxc race which happened to also be a gncc event held in laffayette tn.I was scared to death when i got there so many people and semi's with factory riders the best in the world was there, I had never even practiced starting or any of it.I raced the morning c-class raced for 2hrs and12mins finished 10th,and was as sore as i had ever been in my life,and decided right then that if i was going to do this i needed to be serious,so here i am 7 months later with a 04 h 450r,and a 07 h 450er,and tring to romp!

Riding Goals

my riding goals included finishing my first season as good as i can right now im 3rd in my class and 17th overall,next year i'm moving up to the b-class,and plan on racing atleast 5 gncc events.I ride with 2 other c-class riders and a pro rider in the msxc the pro rider phillip wall i would have to say is one of the best racers ive met very inspirational hes33 and still romping.i plan in the next 2 years to race pro in msxc and a-class in gncc i know thats high hopes but i can do anything i set my mind to.

Competitive Highlights

I started this racing on a 400ex and instantly went to a 04 450r honda,now never riding sport quads i believe ive came along way my racing buddys that i go with are in the same class as i,and have been riding these their hole life and been racing for 3 or more years and right nowwe're set 123 in points out 19 riders so i'd like to think in 7months that i have raised my skill level to almost match thiers.I practice every chance i can thats why i bought the second bike so i wouldnt mess my race bike up.i just bought my second bike and i bought it from my pro buddy flip its won alot of pro races in the msxc,and won him the overall in the oma as a pro-am rider,but he's 220lbs and im 140lbs and i raced that bike a couple of weeks ago at vanleer tn and got 10th so i have some suspension issues to work on and i believe when theyre straight i'l be hard to beat and hopefully reach my goal of be pro in the next couple of years,so what i need is for someone to help make me make them look good.//////I raced the boneyard saturday and i'll haveto say it was a great day finished 1st in my class,and 6th overall, it was a great day.I then race on Sunday and got a rock stuck between my wheel,and the caliper lost 40minutes and kept the rock.