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Personal History

Shannon was born in Richland, WA. She currently resides in Moses Lake WA where she has lived her entire life, since 2002. Shannon is currently attending a local elementary school where she is an exceptional student. She will be attending Jr. High next year and is looking forward to the many adventures that lie ahead of her. Shannon lives at home with her Mother, step father, sister, and 4 dogs where there is never a dull moment. One of Shannon's passions is playing the piano. She is what some would call a "prodigy" on it. A born natural. Shannon is a very compassionate, loving, adventourous person with a never ending imagination. She loves all kinds of music and at times gets lost in her own giant world within the four walls of her "kingdom"..aka bedroom. She also loves to be outdoors with nature whether it be a stroll through the dunes or a swim at the lake. Shannon enjoys camping, bike riding, trips to the park and of course anything off road or on the track.
Shannon began riding quads when she was 3-1/2 and has always been a throttle on kind of girl. She has spent many years riding tracks and the local sand dunes and mud flats.

Riding Goals

I ride because I love it. I began riding with my family years ago. I started racing this past year in 2012. My first race on a "real" track was exciting. I brought home a 4th place trophy that time but it only made me want to win the next race even more. To be continued........