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Personal History

Im 19 years old,been riding quads since I was 8 and decided to start racing this year. have won the last 3 races and am being bumped up to B class next year. I have worked hard for everything on my bike including  my bike itself. I have no help with it,only support from family and friends. I ride every weekend with other buddies and want to go far with this career.

Riding Goals

Make first year racing a success by taking home the championship. Continue to do well each year and move up a class. Become  a faster better and well known racer around my area and beyond.

Competitive Highlights

Just last race got held up on the line and was in 6th place three laps in and behind 15 seconds from the leader. It was a 6 lap race at 5 miles long. With each lap I just got more aggressive and fought harder and harder. Second to last lap I passed the leader and ended up taking first with a 24 second lead! It was a long and hard fight but it paid off!