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Personal History

I am mitchell conley. I am a 8 year Army, Infantry veteran with two tours to Afghanistan. I am a loving husband and father to two amazing women. 2016 was the first year racing quads. Shortly after my last tour I left the military. My ptsd sank in pretty hard and life become bottled up with pain and sadness. Riding quads took me to my place of bliss. I begin racing to get use to crowds again, to get my adrenaline pumping and to show others there is life after war. I support my brothers and sisters not only with advice on ptsd but showing them in group meetings you can conquer anything in life still.

Riding Goals

My goal is to create a non profit team that races to raise money and bring attention to other non profits that help veterans. Some examples I have started on is the fallen outdoors which provides vets with hunting, fishing, an outdoor trips free of cost. They really keep vets in touch and moving forward in life. I also work with mission 22 which raises awarness for the 22 vets that commit suicide a day. I earn nothing from them. I just want awarness.

Competitive Highlights

I race pnw offroad series in washington state. Being my first year I currently am setting in 1st place overall. Its is a big deal to me for the fact I have done this on a stock trx 450. I put what little money I can into it but my family comes first. I am greatful for the hard work I have poured into this.